You’re seeing how businesses are driving more sales and traffic from social media. You want that kind of growth too. You have a presence on social media platforms but are not getting the results you expected.
What could be the problem?
The problems are hidden right under your nose. As a Digital Marketing agency, we know what works and the problems that businesses unknowingly make.
Our purpose for this blog is to tell 9 things that are ruining your social media game. We promise that you’ll start seeing significant changes once you stop making these mistakes.
Let’s begin.
Not Knowing What Your Audience Wants
Rushing themselves into creating social media handles is a major mistake that businesses often make. Usually, when we rush some process, we forget to analyze it properly.
Your audience needs to be your priority because no one would know about your brand without them.
Let’s explain it with a simple example- You have a shoe business. You decided to create a page on social media handles to reach a wider audience. You’re only focused on promoting sports shoes because that’s your niche. But your audience primarily consists of women. And you constantly wonder why your followers don’t convert to customers.
If you properly analyze your audience, you’ll know that women are more into designer shoes in the above example. And that’s the reason your followers don’t convert into customers.
Remember, the right thing for the wrong audience won’t bring desired results.
Writing Poor Content
You may think people on social media focus only on the graphics. That is true to some extent but generalizing people is never a good practice. Some people only focus on the content. What do you offer them?
You have to know that just because most people like something, it doesn’t mean you can be careless about other things.
Always make sure to avoid grammatical mistakes. They can be shocking for people when major brands make it. If you intend to become a big brand, make sure you don’t make grammatical mistakes.
Another mistake that businesses make is they write in a formal tone. That works in research papers and also in some blogs. But it is not recommended on social media.
You have to invoke the user’s emotion, and for that, you have to write in a way that connects with them.
Use phrases, ask simple questions, make jokes. Get creative and see what works.
Designing Low-Quality Images
In the above point, we talked about how many people focus on graphics on social media. That’s a fact, and you have to work on posting high-quality images. You can put yourself in this situation and think about whether you would like low-quality images of some product.
Surprisingly, there’s also a trust factor associated with image quality.
A business screams ‘scam’ when they have low-quality images, so make sure your genuine business doesn’t seem scam to people just because of low-quality photos.
Start working on them.
If you don’t have expertise with software related to Graphics, you can hire a Graphic Designer. An experienced Graphic Designer would make sure to create high-quality images. They would also know what competitors are doing in terms of graphics.
Ignoring Comments On Posts
When you give some valuable information to users, they’re more likely to appreciate it by commenting on your posts. Users can also comment when they have to ask some questions.
But then, when you don’t reply to their comments, they start feeling that your business doesn’t give importance to their opinions. You surely don’t want to come off like that as it can lead to severe consequences for your business.
Engaging with users and putting in the effort to answer their questions will create trust and authority. Trust & Authority will help you close the deals because you’ve covered half the distance by focusing on comments.
Also, some comments can help you identify some genuine concerns about your business. So, it is beneficial to read comments and analyze when someone has something important to say.
To succeed on social media, you have to keep posting constantly. If you think you can post once a month and become successful, you really have to rethink and recreate your posting schedule.
We used the word ‘posting schedule’ because most businesses that want to succeed work according to it. A typical schedule would include different types of posts within a week. The posting frequency is between three to five times a week. We also weel this range is ideal.
So, if you haven’t been inconsistent and wondering why you’re not growing, it is time to incorporate what we highlighted in the previous paragraph. We can guarantee you that you’ll see a significant change in how people perceive and interact with your brand.
Never Using Hashtags
Hashtags are an integral part of many social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. They have a purpose because a large audience finds posts by hashtags. You can search for anything on Instagram using hashtags.
Many businesses are using hashtags to their advantage by including them after writing descriptions.
Let’s explain this with an example- You have a shoe business. You regularly post beautiful photos of your wide range of shoes. You’re getting engagement on most shoes but not for sports shoes. But then someone tells you to include hashtags to make your posts reach a wider audience. The next thing you do is include these hashtags- #outdoor, #adventure, #exercise, #trackandfield.
After using these hashtags, you start seeing tremendous change. That’s because there is a large audience that searches on Social media using hashtags. Also, not everyone will know your brand’s name.
So, it’s best to use hashtags to increase the chances of making your posts reach a wider audience.
Not Responding To DMs
Not everyone on social media platforms will comment on your posts. Some will direct message (DM) you because their question is something they feel cannot be answered in comments. It is not the only reason that people send private messages. There are many other reasons. But whatever is the reason, ignoring their DMs is a guaranteed way of failing.
DMs are just an extension of comments. People make purchase decisions based on your replies. Apart from putting a bad impression on people about your business, you’re also losing the opportunity to make money. Remember, your ultimate goal to be present on social media is to earn money. And if you’re not doing it, then you’re defeating the very purpose of being present on social media.
Not Analyzing the Competitors
One of the biggest mistakes you can make in today’s tough competition is not analyzing the competitors. That’s fundamental. You can’t skip it.
But those who skip it end up failing.
When you know what your competitors are doing, you can analyze what works and what doesn’t. Although we advise you to focus on your journey, it is essential to analyze competitors because you can straight away skip some things that don’t work.
Also, you’ll know how users react to certain things that blow up. And if you put in the time to analyze them properly, they might just work for you. All big brands analyze their competition because it’s better to save time if you can learn from someone else’s mistake.
Saying Negative Things About The Competitors
In the above point, we talked about how ignoring the competition can be bad for you. It is true, and this point is also about the competition.
In the pursuit of becoming famous and successful, many businesses end up hating on their competitors. That’s not a desirable trait that a company should possess. It only puts a negative impression on your and the competitors’ audience. There are numerous examples of good brands making distasteful comments about their competitors and failing. Often, your attempts to make others appear bad will only backfire.
We definitely want you to have a healthy competition with others. But anything more than that will show to the audience that you’re jealous of others’ success.
Mistakes on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) can damage the progress you made over the years. But the thing with mistakes is that most often, one doesn’t realize that they’re making mistakes until it’s too late.
But one can know about common mistakes while reading a blog like this. In this blog, we highlighted 9 things ruining your social media game. We know, now you may be thinking some of these points are precisely your problem areas.
The good thing about these mistakes is that you can fix them with some effort. We guarantee you’ll see significant changes within a month of avoiding these mistakes.