Paid Marketing

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Traffic and advertising strategies that work.

Why You Need SEO?


Google is the fast track

Every day there are people who are looking for your product or service through the Internet. When they do it, you can be sure that it is through Google. Make your business appear when they search, which means connecting supply with demand.


Facebook is where everyone is

An average person spends more than 6 hours on the Internet a day, of which 3 hours are used on social networks. If you want to sell, you must be where your customers are and appear even in the apps (Facebook and Instagram) they have in their cell phones.

Why Quality Matters?
Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy

You can be on social networks or ... succeed in them, what do you prefer? If you bet on the second option, you will need a Social Media Marketing strategy.

We study your market, your competition and your strengths and weaknesses and, based on this, we define the guidelines to follow so that your presence on social networks gives you visibility and helps you get more leads and sales.

Social Media Campaigns

Social Media Campaigns

Is your potential client a man between 25 and 35 years old, university student, metropolitan and passionate about cars? We will create social media campaign to target the right audience.

Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter or LinkedIn allow us to reach it and increase interactions, website traffic and sales.

We do it with a message having great visual and emotional impact that leaves a mark. Attracting is the first step to taking action.

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Not all networks are the same, nor are all users related in the same way on them. We design valuable content for your target audience and show it on the social platforms according to your Buyer Persona, following a previously established calendar.

We interact with your customers, we monitor what they say about you on social platforms, forums and the Internet, and we create communities of supporters. The best advertising is word of mouth.

Influencer Campaigns

Influencer Campaigns

The product or service that interests us does not matter: before buying, we want to know what others think of it. We care about what our friends and family, consumers, and most of all, the people we follow and admire think.

At Tabscap, we pinpoint the influencers with whom your target customer identifies and we get in touch with them so that they become ambassadors for your brand.

Attractive Ads Design

Attractive Ads Design

To ensure that your advertising campaign on social networks impacts the most valuable users for your company, we design attractive ads and optimize them to achieve the best results.

Want potential clients?

Lets Talk
How do we approach our work?

How do we approach our work?

Passion: We do what we are passionate about – web design and digital marketing

Knowledge: This allows us to quickly analyse and understand your business, its strengths and weaknesses, the market in which it operates and its competitors. As a result, we can create an online marketing strategy to establish an online presence for your company that allows it to meet its objectives.

Responsibility: In each project we carry out, we work on improving the competitiveness of our client and, therefore, it is of vital importance. That is why we treat all clients with the utmost importance, and each project is tailor-made without using web templates or other tools that can reduce the quality of design or content.

Let's Get Started

Knowledge Sees, Strategy Runs

We do not want to push posts or create campaigns just to create them. Every company is different even in the same industry. We must think creatively adapting our brand to connect with people, gain trust and achieve sales.

Targeting campaigns on Facebook Ads
Targeting campaigns on Facebook Ads

One of the great advantages of advertising campaigns in Facebook Ads is segmentation. Given the large amount of information that Facebook collects about its users, we can target our ads to users according to criteria such as their tastes and interests, location, gender, behaviours, and a long etcetera.

This degree of adaptation allows brands and businesses to allocate their advertising budget to reach only relevant audiences, avoiding impacting users who have little or nothing to do with our company.

What kind of campaigns can we create at our Facebook Ads agency?

Depending on our communication and business objectives, we can direct our Facebook Ads campaigns to:

  • Increase followers

  • Brand awareness

  • Promotion of specific products and services

  • Local events and offers

  • Increase traffic to our website or app

  • Generate leads

SEM agency with Google Partner certificate

At Tabscap, we have the Google Partner certificate, which accredits us as an Ads agency in India that meets all the requirements that Google requires for the correct management of campaigns on the Ads platform.

In addition, professionals in our team are certified by Google, and keep themselves updated to ensure that all the campaigns we run meet the business objectives of our clients.

Our work methodology together with the effort and passion with which we face all our projects, leads us to create effective PPC strategies adapted to our clients and their resources, and the sector in which they operate.

How do we work with Google Ads Search campaigns?

To guarantee the success of our campaigns that we prepare for our clients, in our Google Ads agency we follow a methodology that includes:

  • Definition with the client of what products and / or services you want to promote through Google Ads.

  • Choosing the most representative and relevant keywords for the client

  • Assessment of the economic viability of the sector, analyzing variables such as the degree of competition and the costs associated with each keyword

  • Implementation of campaigns in Google Ads

  • Optimization and periodic maintenance and introduction of improvements

  • Analysis and reporting of results

Why choose Tabscap to run your paid marketing campaigns?

  • Focused on results.

  • Conversion and return on investment.

  • Years of experience in all social networks.

  • Appropriate segmentation to reach the potential customer.

  • The best copies in the ads.

  • Direct and concise messages.

  • Daily monitoring of campaigns.

  • A / B test between creatives and landing pages.

  • Creative calls to action.

  • Test between ad formats.

How can ads on social media help my business grow?

Facebook has more than 1.4 billion active users, 213 million of those people in the United States alone.

Facebook and Instagram are no longer just for socializing, they are for growing your business.

Facebook's advertising platform also allows us to appear on other networks, which means other web pages and mobile applications. If you are not one of those who already use Facebook to the advantage of their business, it is likely that you are losing customers to the competition, if it is taking advantage.

How can I take my brand to the target audience on Facebook?

Few social media platforms offer companies as much segmentation clarity as Facebook (based on age, gender, location, interests, posts, β€œliked” pages, and more), allowing you to reach 1.4 billion people instantly (obviously at a cost, but cheaper than traditional media) and with detailed reports on the results.

Yes, we know, maybe it is not so easy to get the results you want, but let us take care of the execution of the advertising campaigns while you take care of other things.

I promoted my products on Social Media but got little response. Why?

Stop shouting BUY FROM ME. It is proven that people move away when they perceive that you are only trying to sell them. Instead, let them know you for the special attention and because you helped them clear their doubts, and made the purchase decision easier for them. They feel grateful and choose you over your competition for that.

Why is it not just about showing products in attractive graphics?

It is not about simply showing what you sell and expecting them to buy. You are dealing with people who want more information, who want personalized attention, with fears and goals, who want something that maybe you have.

It is about connecting and matching with the users' search intent, solving their problems or making their lives easier without complicated processes.

My previous campaign on Google Ads just gave me clicks. Can you help with conversion?

You may have run Google Ads campaigns before and said "Google Ads is not working." It is most likely that you were burning your money and throwing it away, due to lack of technical knowledge, or that you had an amateur agency running it that worked on clicks and not conversions.

However, we are different. We optimize your campaigns on Google to get more traffic, but traffic of interest to your business. We also optimize your website or landing page for a higher conversion rate, with strategies like SKAG, neuromarketing techniques, retargeting, and even a bit of so-called marketing aikido (to use the power of your competition against them).

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, social media is good for doing business. 37% of the world's population uses social networks and Facebook alone brings together 2 billion active profiles: opportunities are in sight. However, launching does not guarantee success.
It's all about who your ideal customer is and which channel brings together the majority of that demographic that interests you as users. It depends on your goals too. Preferably, a solid campaign has more than one channel under its umbrella. We as human beings don't spend all our time on the same platform, so why would a business do it?
B2B purchasing processes are not direct or immediate, and networks allow conversations to be generated that otherwise would not happen. For example, with a department manager or area manager, because the customers of B2B companies are also people.

Unleash your brand's true potential with
Team Tabscap.

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