Getting into content writing is not difficult. Like with everything, getting into something is easy. However, reaching a pro level in that thing is tough. Writing blogs for the internet is different from just writing. It takes time, dedication, and repeated practice to increase readability, reach and attractiveness for the quick judging internet audience.
During the process, you will have to face failure, frustration and stress. And it is during those tough times that you don’t have to give up.
Our main intention for this blog is to remove your preconceived notions that content writing gets hard when you start getting deep into it.
We will tell you practical tips that will help write a good piece and eventually reach a better position.
Let us begin:
Write for an audience
Your audience needs to be your priority. Remember your goal is to write for the audience.
Do you want your content to be only for you?
Your goal from the beginning was to offer something valuable. And what value can you offer if you don’t consider your audience while writing?
While writing, you have to be careful with the words you choose, as certain words are best used for certain audiences.
An easy way to identify what your audience will like is by posting blogs in different styles in the initial stages.
Then, observe how well your blogs performed.
Go a step further and see which blogs performed the best.
Then, when you know the blogs that performed the best, look for aspects that separate them from the rest.
Thoroughly study them and you’ll surely identify things that you did differently in them.
Also, sometimes you’ll not be able to identify the key points that made all the difference. In those cases, stay patient and don’t go too hard on yourself because a calm mind gives rise to great ideas and innovation.
Write for one category of readers & not everyone
Do not try to be “Jack of all trades”. We highlighted this point in our previous blog. This quality is not appreciated on the internet. People who use the internet come from all walks of life with expertise in many fields.
So, thinking that you can write anything without having in-depth knowledge about it is a big mistake.
People can identify it easily. They’ll know because when you don’t know your stuff, you’d write filler content to make up for the number of words.
That’s the worst way of losing on users who actually put in the effort to find your website and invest time to read your blogs. And you literally offer them garbage in return.
Don’t be that type of Content writer.
Offer information to users in return for their time, because that’s the best exchange that can happen.
Only write about things that you know in-depth. At times, you might feel tempted to earn more money and indulge in other famous niches.
Don’t fall for it. Prioritize low volume high-quality content over high volume low-quality content.
Get the basics right and everything else will fall into place.
Have something to say
The main purpose for writing a blog must always be some idea. There needs to be a central idea that you want people to understand.
If there’s no idea and you’re randomly writing what comes to your mind just for the sake of writing, then your results will suffer.
Many experienced writers know of this tip.
They practice it whenever they have to write a new piece. If they don’t feel like writing on a certain day, they won’t write it. If they feel there’s no central idea in the piece they’re about to write, they’d reject it.
Your confusion will be easily seen by the readers when you don’t know the idea you want to put across.
So, save yourself the time and effort in writing about content with no central idea and rather focus on something valuable.
Involve the audience
Remember your blog is not about you. It is for the audience. So, not considering them would be a major mistake.
Know that you have to involve the audience so that they remember you and often come back to your website.
But the big question is, how can you involve them? You cannot talk with them with a screen in between.
Then, how?
It’s easy.
You can talk with them even when there’s a screen in between. You can ask them questions. Genuine questions they would like to answer.
Then, when they reach the end of a blog, you can include a Call-to-action and give a final push to them to comment and share their ideas.
Including a Call-to-action may seem insignificant at first. But it can give a major boost and increase user retention & conversion rate. See some interesting statistics on how Call-to-action can dramatically affect user behavior.
Write short paragraphs & leave white spaces
There are certain aspects that entirely focus on writing. Short paragraphs & white spaces are the prominent ones.
As a beginner, you might write 3 paragraphs for the whole blog- beginning, main idea & conclusion. That’s how your school taught you to write.
Sadly, that’s not how you should write for an audience on the internet.
Users on the internet are looking for interesting blogs. They’re not looking for blogs that take them back the memory lane.
From various studies, it has been found that short paragraphs and white spaces positively impact a reader.
Both these aspects increase the readability tremendously.
Imagine that you have to choose between two blogs.
One is similar to how a school student would write, meaning it contains 3 paragraphs in the entire blog.
The second blog consists of enough white spaces and short paragraphs.
Which one would you pick?
Most would choose the second blog because it will be easy to read. The truth is, our brain gets overwhelmed when it sees lots of text packed in a single paragraph.
So, we advise writing two-three line paragraphs.
Now you may ask why some exceptional writers write long paragraphs in research papers. The reason is research papers are meant to be written that way.
There are different styles of writing.
We recommend you write short paragraphs and include white spaces because you want to give a relaxed and friendly vibe through your blog.
Remember, your goal is not to overwhelm people because most of them are already overwhelmed by their lives.
Add relevant links
You need to accept that you cannot include everything in your blog. There isn’t a limitation of how much content you can include. But you don’t want users to scroll through your page forever.
It is best to refer them to some external to internal links where there’s more information about what you’re talking about.
Some websites perform in-depth research about a topic. So, referring users to those websites is a good practice.
And it is not bad that you don’t have everything on your website. Maybe that’s not the type of content you want on your website. Maybe you want to include a light tone while writing.
So, it’s advisable, to be honest, and refer users to other websites when you can.
Also, you don’t want to keep redirecting them to other websites. That way, your website’s bounce rate will increase.
Always aim to do it in moderation. Do it when necessary.
Mimic your audience
Mimic your audience. Not literally. Just mimic their words.
You will be amazed to know the amazing effect mimicking a person’s words can have on them. Such a simple practice yet people fail to implement it.
“When two people are mirroring each other, it shows that there is comfort, trust, and rapport among them.” Read more about the effects of mimicking here.
Although mimicking a person’s posture, gestures and words create a more positive impact, you can only mimic people’s words on the internet. But don’t let that deter you from mimicking what you can.
You will start seeing an increase in engagement because people love when they find someone similar to them. That’s human nature.
But how can you do it?
Simply start observing their comments on your blog.
By doing that, you’ll understand some common words they repeatedly use.
After that, you need to use the same words in your blogs. And when the users will read your blogs, they’ll identify that you used the same words they like to use.
That way, your audience will connect with you on a personal level because you put in the effort to know about them.
There you have your 7 tips that show writing content that connects is not hard. It is a matter of understanding what works.
You might have read about some of these points elsewhere. But we wanted to expand on them and give you everything in one place.
Now, go on and write a great piece while taking care of all these aspects.
Remember, you can always refer to this blog whenever feeling stuck during the writing process.