You have a company, you want to get clients, and appear among the first results of the Google search engine through web positioning.
You know that by appearing in the first results of words with many searches, you have more possibilities of the users clicking on your website and that this traffic turns into customers, but...
How do you do it? How do you think about it?
You need an SEO strategy developed by experienced professionals.
The SEO strategy is the most difficult part to design within the world of web positioning, which requires a lot of experience, and yet, even though the influence of the SEO strategy in business is very high, very few managers of SMEs take it seriously and some have not even heard of it.
Our experience, when we deal with freelancers and SMEs, is that, unfortunately, many professionals manage their web positioning, their SEO, in a crazy way, without an SEO strategy, and with outdated techniques that results in being far from contributing any good, and rather ending up hindering their growth.
They do not conscientiously create an SEO strategy, or they do, but it is misguided.
Let's see what an SEO strategy is, and what important points should be kept in mind.
For what do you need an SEO strategy?
Let's see what the SEO strategy is for in a business.
A well-planned SEO strategy will help your business to:
- know where you can go,
- explore new very interesting business opportunities in the medium and long term,
- be clear about the geographical area that most interests the business taking into account the demand that exists,
- deepen the specialization of your business profitably,
- and ultimately, to get more potential customers in the medium and long term, all of them interested in buying your products and services.
What is an SEO strategy?
The SEO strategy is made up of keywords linked to internal web pages for certain locations.
The SEO strategy is a map of where we want to go, in terms of keywords, with our business in the Google search engine (we are only talking about Google because it has a market share of more than 96% of searches in Spain and many other countries).
The SEO strategy of your business is one more guarantee of a stable future of new potential clients knocking on your business door.
The SEO strategy consists mainly of 3 parts:
1. A set of keywords chosen after careful and detailed research
2. A set of internal pages, in which each one will target a group of keywords (closely related to each other) from the previous set
3. Location or physical locations where to position each group of keywords (neighborhood, town, city, country)
How is an SEO strategy formed?
Forming an SEO strategy consists of a few steps based on keyword research and the factors surrounding the business
Once we have seen what it is and the parts that make up an SEO strategy, let's see how it is proposed practically.
Now we will see how the SEO strategy or web positioning strategy begins with keyword research, but in addition to this, we must always keep in mind the conditions of the business itself:
- Audience to which the business is directed
- Business specialties
- Existing public on the internet
- Competence
- Socio-economic data
- Trends
- Budget available for SEO
Let's start with the general steps to follow to form an
- First, you have to do keyword research on every one of the services and products that your business offers, to know the search volume and the competition that each word has (for this we can use the word planner itself Google Ads key, or other payment tools, such as Semrush).
- You have to be clear about the locations where you can sell your business. And after having it clear, see if there is a market for a smaller geographical area than initially proposed.
For example, if your company is a manufacturer of seed drills, which is located in Ludhiana. Initially, you can think that your market is nationwide throughout India (if we restrict ourselves only to the national scope), but if you saw that in Ludhiana there is an interesting search market, then the best choice would be to do a local SEO in Ludhiana since it would be a more specialized search (where your business will be more relevant). And later you can work on SEO at the national level, but starting with something more specialized is always the best option.
- You can also work on certain "keywords" in a specific location, and other "keywords" in a wider geographic location.
- From there, a list of keywords will be taken without debugging, to be analyzed more carefully later.
- Then, related keywords are searched (synonyms, specialized markets...) of ideas that have arisen during the previous search, and another list of related ones is taken.
- The two extracted lists are grouped and classified by relationships between words: topics, synonyms, minimal variations of keywords.
- Then another grouping is carried out at the level of detail, and from there the definitive "groups of keywords" come out.
- For each group of keywords we must choose an internal page that can be focused on those keywords
You have to be careful not to use the same keyword with 2 different internal pages (a phenomenon known as keyword cannibalization), this would be negative for the evolution of the SEO since 2 internal pages would compete and this is usually solved by Google with a decrease of positions for both internal pages of the web page.
Advantages of having an SEO strategy
The fundamental advantage of having a good SEO strategy is that your business will notice it for the better
The advantages of having a well-planned SEO strategy are innumerable, but the main one is that the course of business on the internet, to receive interested potential customers regularly over time, will be on the right track.
Realize the power of having recurring contacts month after month, really interested in your products or services. This is the potential that web positioning (SEO) offers you through the SEO strategy.
When the SEO strategy is well planned, you know at a glance the goals you want to achieve, where those potential clients are going to come from (what they are interested in), how many potential clients there are and from which geographical locations new contacts are going to reach you.
In addition, now we are going to explain why it is not recommended at all, to manage your SEO yourself:
SEO and Web Design
Never consider making your website yourself. Your SEO strategy will not come to fruition.
Making your business website yourself is usually a serious mistake.
The main reason why you should not make your own website is that you are not an expert in Web Design and SEO at the same time.
And simply because of that you should already entrust it to someone who is (and can prove it, with examples and results).
But there are several reasons that may discourage you from doing so:
- a web is not something static,
- If you do the web without taking into account a well-planned SEO strategy, the effort will be counterproductive
- it is something that must be worked on,
- be updated,
- keep,
- and it takes a long time.
In addition, if you do not know about web design and SEO, you may choose the theme ("theme" or design template) solely for aesthetics, neglecting important and necessary functionalities for positioning and the day-to-day life of your company.
Another issue that you should not work on yourself is your own SEO, your own web positioning.
Why? Well, because you do not have time.
Because managing a company requires hundreds of steps per month, dozens a day...
And SEO is something that, well done, requires a lot of time invested to work as it is supposed to.
In addition to keeping, you updated on the latest news from Google and WordPress... Something that requires a lot of dedication.
SEO strategy implementation
You should not implement the SEO of your business yourself, because to implement it you have to know what each part of the SEO strategy implies
As we said before, many of you start to manage your web positioning, you read a series of articles, and without previous experience, you start (with great enthusiasm) to fiddle with things...
The actions carried out without SEO experience can destroy the genuine reputation that a website has on Google.
In addition, over time, the procedures in the company require more and more time, the web and SEO spend less and less time... And you end up needing the help of a professional.
And what does this professional find? A website made with all goodwill, but also:
- patched with pieces of code that we don't really know where they come from, what they do, or why they are there...
- errors in the code,
- widgets with outdated codes,
- poorly provided or tagged images,
- insufficient or poorly structured texts,
- internal and external duplicate texts,
- security issues…
And many times, professionals find optimizing this is a practically impossible task...
In most cases, most likely, they recommend changing or redesigning the entire website because optimization can be a daunting task.
SEO strategy and knowledge
It is not worth wasting your valuable time to make an SEO strategy that will not work
The SEO strategy is the anatomy of your internet business, you have to understand the mechanics, what each part is for, how it works, how it interacts with the others, what happens if it fails and how to fix it.
If, in addition, especially in this sector where everything changes day by day, the knowledge is not updated, we may find that the work that is done is of low quality or not useful for the objectives that have been set.
Jumping into designing a web page without thinking about SEO positioning, or managing the SEO of a website without thinking about the business strategy, what you want, when you want it, at what cost you want, why you want what you want And what online tools are you going to use to achieve it (if possible), is to invest time and effort for nothing.
That is why it is always better for a professional with extensive experience to undertake a task so likely to cause problems for your company in the future.
You have to take into account the type of company, the type of niche, the type of client, where it is located, and to whom and where it is intended to reach.
All these types of questions must be solved through words, searches, tools, calculations, code, and design. Without this kind of mapping in mind, we will most likely end up shipwrecked.
The best thing, in these cases, is to put yourself in the hands of someone experienced, who knows web design, SEO and can demonstrate that they have successfully navigated these waters on many occasions.