The growth of a business has been drastically shifted from what it used to be. Earlier let’s say, 10 years ago, people preferred big hoardings and pamphlets to market their products and businesses in order to enhance their customer base and become popular brands in the market. However, ever since coronavirus has mushroomed in the whole world, it also brought a new-normal lifestyle for human beings and shockingly, this new normal is here to sustain. One such practice is staying in and using more social media to grow one's business.
The digital era took a vast turn back in the year 2007 and ever since then, the new shopping techniques have not looked back. According to the 2022 figures drawn by UNCTAD, covid-19 has fueled consumer e-commerce activity to 60% in the pandemic years 2020-21, along with this, a Statista report believes that the digital form of business is going to rapidly spike by the year 2025.
Given the current statistics online, it can be said that utilizing the availability of social media promotions for business enhancement can prove to be a boon for brands. In order to ensure limitless growth of the business, we must consider social media promotions just as we treat sales and offline marketing strategies. Here are some basic but top reasons why social media promotions can lead to unlimited business growth.
- Attracts more audience and gives confidence to people about your brand
- Helps you interact and deal with customers directly
- Social media is a new age and affordable marketing era
- Caters to your audience; active and potential both
- Reach not limited to your region only
Now let’s talk about how can you effectively build social media promotions in order to grab the public’s attention and grow your business.
Be regular in uploading posts
Most businesses lose their consumers or followers because they are not regular in sharing information via social media platforms which gives a negative impression. Sharing information regularly is quite vital.
Imagine if you promote one of your posts viewing which a new visitor comes on your social profile and then your profile shows that your page is not well updated and that you have only one recent post, it only helps in losing their confidence over your brand which is not good. Therefore, be regular this way, upload anything, it can be a post, meme, video, contests, offers, or anything, just be regular.
Generate contests and promote them
This is one of the best ways to promote your business. If you initiate a contest whose gift is just a shoutout to the winner, it will be enough to get more participants to the contest. People love when you give importance to them and they love to engage in free contests that have giveaways, gifts or shoutouts to the winners. You can also do a poll on the audience’s opinions like what they prefer, burger or pizza?
Don’t always upload business-related content
No person prefers to follow a page that only talks business and nothing else. As a business, it is necessary to talk about other factors such as the latest industry news, or simply something that is more engaging. This is one important aspect of growing into a business.
Won’t you get bored if someone just brags about themselves and nothing else? Therefore, post content that is enjoyed by the audience as well. An example to be quoted over here is Internshala and even Maharastra Police in India. They are popular for the witty and satirical posts that keep them in the news and on social media all day long even though most of the time, the posts don’t promote themselves.
Interact with your audience
People comment on random posts in regards to doubts, clarifications etc. And you, as a company, must interact with them and not ignore them. This would decide whether the other person will be interested in staying connected to your business or not. Therefore, try and interact with your audience irrespective of whether they are beneficial to your company or not.
Never ignore the negative comments
There will be a lot and will increase with each passing day as your company will establish a name in the market. However, you must take them positively, accept them, work on them (if required) and provide them with the assurance of the same. Taking them on the heart will not work for your brand in the longer run.
Share information about offers, free gifts and promote them
We have 365 days in a year and many of these days are worth celebrating on account of Christmas, Thanksgiving or Diwali. Following these special occasions, you might introduce some offers and gifts which people would want to grab before they disappear. How would people grab them when they are unexposed to them?
Amazon each year celebrates Diwali, an Indian festival with a huge sale under the banner ‘Great Indian Festival’ and during this time, the e-commerce platform promotes the sale in every possible way, on Facebook, Instagram, and television advertisements among other platforms. Therefore, share information about your offers as much as you can so that people can take advantage of them and help you indirectly grow your business.
Pick current affairs topics for your posts
We are all aware of how Zomato, Swiggy and other big brands utilize wit as their ultimate promotion tool. This is also one among the many techniques you can wield in your own brand’s marketing. Many times, Zomato has used current affairs to market its brand and has managed to stay in the eye of the public.
Therefore, for once in a few weeks, try and post on topics that are currently in trend and of interest to the viewers. Maybe one day you can surface on wide platforms for your witty nature. Other than these, there are an infinite number of ways to build your company name using social media. It just depends upon your marketing skills and ability. Ensure that you follow these points if you wish to grow unlimited in this digitally connected world.