Social networks have brought with them a great wave of changes that have transformed the concept of marketing. Social networks offer a space that allows you to reach thousands of users with few resources, which is especially interesting for small and medium-sized companies that do not have large budgets to invest in advertising campaigns.
The perfect channel for any SME. In 2020, over 3.6 billion people were using social networks which are projected to grow to 4.41 billion by 2025. That is why creating a community linked to the company that increases the number of followers can bring us great benefits if we know how to take advantage of the potential of Social Media strategies.
The key is to get the largest number of fans, but at the same time, it is necessary to give them motivation so that they want to join and learn more about our brand and the product we offer. Therefore, we recommend that you try to make posts with a certain frequency and that they can capture the attention of users so that they want to share. In this way, you will also achieve greater distribution and progressively increase the sales of your online store.
Following are the 3 main reasons for your SME to be on social media:
Segmented audience
In the United States, people on average spend more than 2 hours each day on social networks. The biggest advantage is that it is possible to meet Internet users and segment them by age, sex, geographic location, interests with which it is much easier to reach our target audience, which, obviously, is much more likely to be interested in our product or service and, therefore, we will obtain a much higher sales conversion rate.
Prescription factor
More and more users are researching the Internet before purchasing a product or service to know the opinions and experiences of other users. In fact, the power of influence that users can have over the purchasing decisions of others is impressive. Thus, the key in social networks is to get the followers of our brand to interact, comment, and give their opinions.
Do not be frustrated by negative opinions. Think that social networks are a quick way to also know your failures and be able to improve them to achieve the maximum satisfaction of your customers and get the greatest possible number of positive comments that generate trust in other users.
Active Internet users
Although most social media users are there for leisure, you should know that they are very receptive to the actions of companies that know how to attract them. According to a study, 21% of users frequently participate in contests and giveaways, 44% follow a brand, and 19% often become a fan of commercial brands. Besides, 64?firm that it does not bother them to see advertising on social networks and 30% remember a campaign carried out through this medium.
So is it worth being on social media? The answer is yes. However, it must be borne in mind that having a company profile can involve certain risks such as receiving negative reviews, and deleting comments is not the solution, since this can also damage your image. The key is to know how to manage these delicate situations or put yourself in the hands of a professional community manager who knows how to act before any circumstance goes out of hand.
On the contrary, social media strategies can also be the best way to increase the prestige of the brand and make yourself known without having to invest large sums of money. Therefore, if you follow all these tips, you can make the most of the potential of social networks and increase the sales of your online store progressively. What is stopping you to become successful on social networks?