Instagram has now become one of the most famous social media platforms. It provides a lot of functionality with a simple design. If we compare Instagram with Facebook and other platforms, we can identify that other websites lack functions that most users prefer.
Apart from the users, Instagram has become a go-to choice for brands and businesses. The results brands can achieve from the platform are unmatched. So, it’s only natural for them to choose and stick to Instagram.
But when you’re on Instagram, you want to have more followers as they’re directly linked with having more profits. With that said, let’s start today’s blog, where we’ll talk about 10 tips that can help you have more followers on your Instagram.
Let’s begin.
Create A Content Calendar
A content calendar is one of the most important things when you’re working on a website or Instagram. It’s because your content offers value to users, and if you fail to provide content regularly, then people will forget about your business. Also, it’s difficult to remember the content you have to post throughout the week.
So, you should create a content calendar. In the content calendar, you can write on which days you’ll post on Instagram. You can also assign on which days you’ll upload single posts and on which days you’ll upload carousel posts. Along with the type of posts, you can also set the time at which you’ll upload because time plays a huge factor in your posts’ engagement and growth.
Include Your Website's Link In The Bio
Although you can sell directly from Instagram, we recommend that you link users to your website. And how exactly can you do that? It’s easy. You have to provide your website’s link in your profile’s bio. If you provide a link in your posts’ description, it won’t be helpful because the users won’t be able to click the link.
Instagram doesn’t allow links in descriptions. So, provide your website’s product page’s link in the bio. And for taking users to your bio, you have to use Call-To-Action (CTA). Your website’s traffic will start increasing when users start clicking on the link. This will help your website climb the SERP ladder, and the chances of your brand becoming successful will increase.
If you offer excellent products and services, users will come back to your profile and may follow you so they can again get an excellent service.
Provide Your Instagram Profile's Link In Your Website
In the above point, we talked about how users can land on your website from Instagram. But in this point, we’ll tell you to reverse the process by providing your Instagram profile’s link on your website. That’s because all the traffic on your website will not come from Instagram. The traffic will also come from organic search.
The people who’ll come from organic search won’t know about your Instagram. Remember, your goal is to grow followers on the platform. So, you should provide Instagram’s link somewhere on your website.
The most significant benefit of providing the link is that users will already know what your business is about. Doing this practice will benefit both your website and your Instagram.
Share Instagram Posts On Other Social Media Platforms
When you upload a post on Instagram, make sure to share it on other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It is necessary to do this step because not everyone who follows you on Facebook would have been following you on Instagram. Some people may not even know that you have a presence on Instagram.
So, when you share on other social media platforms, you can provide the link to your Instagram profile, which will help users land straight on your brand’s page. This practice will directly result in you having more followers.
Interact With Other Instagram Accounts
Instagram is a give and take platform where you have to be generous with likes, comments, and shares for posts from different people and brands. You cannot achieve a lot if you don’t interact with other accounts.
Starting from now, make a point to appreciate other brands by liking their posts, posting genuine comments, and sharing if you feel your users can also benefit from some content. When you interact with others on Instagram, you’ll build trust with users. They’ll know that you’re not insecure about letting other businesses win.
All the big brands regularly share content from other pages. Interaction opens doors to more followers and engagement. So, start inculcating this practice from today.
Start Using The Right Hashtags
Without hashtags, Instagram wouldn’t be functioning how it is today. They’re the most crucial part of the platform. They’re helpful in many ways for both the users and the brands present on the platform.
You can think of anything and search for it by putting a hashtag before the word. You’ll see thousands of results. It happens because the results you see included the hashtag that you searched for. It’s pretty common for users to find the things they’re interested in using hashtags.
We highly recommend that you start using hashtags in descriptions. It will help users discover your posts, and the chances of them following you will increase. Also, if you’re selling some product/service, hashtags will help you increase sales.
Start Using Geotags
Geotags help your posts reach any corner of the world. But how? There’s a feature on Instagram where users can search for a location and see the posts in that location. Brands and businesses have been using this feature to their advantage for some years.
You, too, can use this feature and get more followers, likes and engagement. Before using the Geotag feature, you have to do some research and identify which locations search about your brand’s niche. For example, if your brand’s niche is shoes, you must check which locations have the most searches related to this keyword.
Once you’ve shortlisted some locations, you have to start using them in your posts the next time. The benefits you’ll get from this practice will be extraordinary. Moreover, your brand will have an international audience.
Run Instagram Ads
Sometimes things don’t work as you intend on Instagram. During such times, you have to opt for advertisements because they give a boost to your profile. Naturally, when you get a boost on your profile, you’ll also get more followers.
We feel running Instagram ads is necessary as they can help your business reach many people who don’t have any idea about your business.
If you only want to grow organically, that can indeed happen, but it’s time-consuming, and in the time you spend reaching a milestone, you can grow way beyond your expectations. Most startups opt for ads on Instagram.
Choose A Color Scheme And Stick To It
As a brand that has to be distinguishable from everyone else, you have to focus on a color scheme. All the famous brands have two to three colors that they use in all their posts. The colors that brands use separate them from others, and after a while, users instantly know the brand by its name.
When you start using a color scheme, your posts look beautiful because they all have the same colors. The color scheme also relates to your brand’s personality.
Remember, choosing a color scheme is not enough. There’s no point in choosing a color scheme if you decide to use different colors after some time. You have to stick to a color scheme so that people can easily identify your brand.
Some color schemes that go well:
- Yellow and White
- Blue and White
- Green and Black
Initially, you have to design your posts in different color schemes and identify which scheme goes best with your brand. We know this process can take some time, but the results will be worth the time spent.
Upload High-Quality Images
Our last point in the blog, but definitely not the least. Instagram is nothing without images. The main reason Instagram started was to let users share pictures. To date, the primary use of this social media platform stays the same.
It means that you cannot compromise with an image’s quality. And definitely not when you’re a brand and want to grow on Instagram. Even you don’t like to see pixelated images where you pinch in to read the text and find that you can’t read it because of the poor image quality.
To give a great experience to the users, you have to make sure to upload high-quality images. If you don’t use professional software to up the image quality, you’re missing out on a lot of content-hungry audience. If you don’t know how to use different photo editing applications, you can always choose an expert graphic design agency.
Do whatever you have to, but don’t give a bad experience to users when they go through your Instagram profile. Users with a bad experience will tell other users about your brand. Words spread like wildfire, and if you’re not careful, you may end up paying a heavy price for a mistake you could’ve easily overcome.
Instagram is a fun platform when things are in control. But things can take a wrong turn if you start making mistakes. In this blog, we talked about 10 ways you can grow followers on the platform. The tips we shared are not only limited to increasing followers. With these tips, you’ll get more engagement, likes, and shares. And achieving all these things is a brand’s goal.
Usually, brands that don’t succeed on Instagram don’t use any of these tips. So, if you want to grow on Instagram and drive more sales and revenue, you have to start using these tips, and within a short time, you’ll see significant growth on the platform.